Arkanian | Chiss | Devaronian | Gamorrean | Gungan | Human | Kaleesh | MonCalamari |
Nagai | Nautolan | Nikto | Quarren | Shistavaven | Weequay | Zabrak |
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This furred, humanoid race calls the planet Bothawui their home.
Being naturally bless with better-than-average intelligence, they've found
great success on the battlefields of politics. Many have also found a role
in subterfuge, that being, bothans at one point in time had a very large
spy network bordering on strength greater than that of the great Empire.
The Bothan is never to be discounted for their methods can be twisted in
acquiring that which they desire.
Native to the planet, Af'el, this mysterious species has adapted
to its environment and boasts a furred covering that absorb
light allowing them to be nothing more than shadow. Their eyes allow
them to see perfectly at night, but in the day, they became more or less
blind. Because of these traits many Defel have taken to thievery and
hunting, and are quite well equipped for those tasks.
This noble race of the planet Honoghr resemble something out of a
nightmare. With their low stature, razor-sharp teeth and immense fighting
strength, they have proven themselves to be some of the greatest commandos
and bodyguards in the galaxy. Having nearly been wiped out by the Empire,
these wayward souls have made a new home on the planet of Wayland with the
help of the New Republic.
These green-skinned alien species living on the planet Rodia are
known for looking much like any other of their species. There is few
physical characteristics differing between any two Rodians. They are often
employed in the line of bounty hunting, and often favor heavily
destructive tactics in the line of their chosen profession.
The habitants of Planet Csilla, the Chiss, are quite alike in their
appearance. Generally tall and muscular with long black hair, they
normally very introspective. They interact with the galaxy in a purely
defensive way, and refuse to contribute to outside societies unless forced
to. Their non-violent ways have led to a widely intelligent population
thats focused on many scientific achievments.
This species is one of the rarest in the galaxy being that the
males and females of their race are completely different. Males are
categorized by their lack of hair and horns adorning their head, which they
groom frequently. The females are fiercely aggressive and covered by a
thick layer of fur. It is their aggressiveness that lead the female
Devaronian to be the leaders in their society. It is also said that
Devaronians were one of the first to discover space travel and are
efficient in the crafting of stardrives.
This amphibious species native to the planet Naboo are known for
their tall, lanky appearance as well as their long ears. Living in secret
among the waters of Naboo, these beings have created immense underwater
cities protected by great shields to keep the immense pressure of the water
at bay. Using this same technology, Gungan shielding is immensely effective
as it absorbs great amounts of energy without failing.
It has been long lost knowledge where the Humans originated from.
Some still hold faith that Coruscant is the long-lost homeworld of the
human species, but alas, they may never have that knowledge pressed upon
them. The humans have generally lived by colonizing on other planets in the
galaxy, and are thus one of the more prevalent species known. These beings
are not known for their outstanding strength, or incredible intelligence,
but that does not stop them from demonstrating bravery and courage to rival
that of any being in the galaxy.
This aquatic race of the world Calamari are characterized by
their squid-like appearance and are often found living very near the
oceans. They learned quickly to develop spaceships, and were very adept in
the knowledge of improving their designs to quickly attain notoriety in the
galaxy. Their planet has suffered much hardship, but this race still stands
strong and continues to evolve into a race to be reckoned with.
This humanoid species of the planet Sriluur is categorized by
their coarse, rough skin allowing them to blend in with their surrounding
deserts on their homeworld. They have the ability to use pheromonal
discharges to communicate with others of their clan, but it is this fact
that leads most to believe the Weequay are a smelly, disgusting race. They
are fierce warriors when trained, and often find employment as soldiers or
This species primarily known for the ring of horns adorning their
heads reside on many colonies throughout the galaxy, one of the most
notable being Talus. Their genetics are known throughout the galaxy as
allowing them to withstand immense amounts of pain. The Zabrak is a
strong-willed species, always looking to reach out into the greater
expanses of the galaxy.
This reptilian-like race is interesting in the sense that they
use their body's ability to change color, and to produce a powerful
pheromone, which they use to swoon both each other and those of
other species they may come into contact with. They can be quite seductive
and deadly in using these traits, and coupled with their proud demeanor
makes them a race you don't want to anger.
Native to the planet Ithor, these beings are noted for having
hammer-shaped heads with their eyes on either side. They are known for
being a wise species. Their vocalization of the basic language is done
through two throats, which often make it hard to communicate with and understand
them. This peace-loving species has recently been pushed from their
planet by the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, and the planet has been decimated by
Vong Bio-weapons. They live nomadically, while they search for a new world
to call their own.
Native to Trandosha, the Trandoshans are a humanoid reptilian
race known for their great regenerative abilities. They have been known to
regrow lost limbs, and knowing this they fight with a fierceness nearly
unmatched. Their scales range from colors of green, to brown and even
orange, and their sharp teeth and razor-like claws have brought pain to
many foes. They are generally hunters by trade, and are always looking for
a fight.
This alien race is most often pinpointed by the two large sensory
organs protruding from their heads. These "Lekku" are used by the twi'leks
as communication in their species, and also store the Twileks deepest
memories. Living on the planet Ryloth, this species has adapted to
different skin pigmentations and are often colored in vibrant and
penetrating colors. This has led to the females of the species to be very
exotic and attractive, often leading some to a life as slave women.
These tall, fur covered aliens reside on the planet Kashyyk.
Wookiees are more than well known for their amazing strength, and fiercely
habitual prowess in battle. They live amongst the trees of the planet and
are known to be agile and quick in their hunting. It has been a recent
discovery to find that some Wookiees were force sensitive, a fact that many
have overlooked in the past.