What to do with aliases?
Aliases allow you to perform actions with by shorthand commands.
- Popular aliases are often:
- shorthand to use abilities
- used to target multiples
- Usage can involve variables:
- $*, $1, $2, $3 are provided to allow you to specify variable names.
- For example, if you wanted to use a slew of powers toward one person,
the command name could be "1", the action would be "c 'bless' $*;c 'heal' $*;c 'levitate' $*",
and the command you'd type will be "1 name" (where name is the target).
- If you want to kiss 2 players at once, the command name could be "ki",
the action would be "kiss $1;kiss $2", and the command you'd type will be
"ki name1 name2" (where name1 is the first to kiss and name2 is the second).
- You could even change commands, such as the say command could become
the = command. Just create a new alias where the command name is "=",
the action is "say $*", and the command you'd type will be "= words".